Ellyn Weiss +
Sondra N. Arkin
Laura Roulet, Curator
Taking over the first floor gallery and sculpture garden of the American University Museum in Washington, DC, the work is a tapestry woven from sculpture, imagery, and audio. More than just an exhibition, The Human Flood is a glimpse into the lives of those uprooted by diminishing habitable land creating a sense of movement and insecurity, mirroring the displacement of refugees. Sculptural interventions evoke a sense of uncertainty, while intimate objects whisper stories of lives left behind.
The Human Flood isn't just about raising awareness – it's about forging empathy. By confronting viewers with the raw realities of forced migration, Ellyn and Sondra challenge us to consider the human cost of environmental change and societal upheaval. They compel us to imagine ourselves in the stories of those swept up in the ever-rising tide of displacement.